2021 Hints, Tips & Updates


Many of you are using Gmail for your email provider – great choice!  OurWebmaster wants to share a couple of tips to make this experience an even better one..!

Hint #1: Archiving your messages vs Trashing your messages

One of the things that makes Gmail great is that they provide plenty of online storage as part of their free service – 15GB.  More good news?  Items in your Spam and Trash are not counted toward your 15GB storage limit.  This tremendous amount of online space allows you to Archive your messages instead of Trashing them.  If you didn’t know, whenever your archive a Gmail message, it removes it from the Inbox but leaves it in All Mail.  This makes messages very easy to find.  And when you perform a search, it will automatically search through ‘All Mail‘.  It will NOT automatically search the Spam or Trash. 

Another helpful tip also involves Trashed messages.  Did you know that if you TRASH an email message, it will TRASH the entire conversation?  The result?  It’s harder to find any portion of that long email conversation that you’ve been having with your vendor about the best deal on widgets…

Try the ARCHIVE instead of the TRASH option…you’ll be glad you did!

Hint #2: Looking for an incoming email message that seems to be taking too long?

Many of us are using Gmail for our professional email addresses – @mycompanyname.com.  If you are waiting for a message to arrive in your Inbox, just click on the ‘Refresh’ button or icon (the circle with the arrow up top) to ask Gmail to sweep your @mycompanyname.com server for new messages.  note: don’t hit the refresh button for your browser – be sure to use the refresh option provided by Gmail.  Unfortunately, this quick fix only works on your desktop version of Gmail.  Once your desktop Gmail retrieves the message, it will appear on your mobile device. 


Have you ever wondered why some sites display a cookie consent notice? Do you know whether or not your site should be displaying such a notice?  In order to be covered by The Cookie Law, your website has to use cookies.  Does your site use cookies?  The short answer is “yes”.  OurWebmaster uses Google Analytics for collecting statistics about your site’s traffic.  This is essential information to measure how well your website is meeting your online goals.  So – what does this mean for me?  If your website is POTENTIALLY serving visitors in Europe OR in California – we need to add Cookie notices to your website.  This will entail adding code to your website – including providing privacy information and in some cases, allowing the visitors to consent to the gathering of information.  Contact OurWebmaster to find out more about how to best meet the needs of your website visitors.  


You may be noticing websites that have small icons or buttons that help persons with disabilities use a website.  OurWebmaster has always taken care of the basic accessibility needs for websites that we build (making sure that photos are tagged with information about the photos etc.) but as you might expect, this is getting more complicated too…  Website accessibility is becoming more regulated and more feature-rich.  Are you interested in learning more about this?  Contact OurWebmaster today to discuss your website’s accessibility needs.

Some Interesting accessibility facts:

  • Nationwide ADA Federal lawsuit in 2019 passed the 11,000 marks for the first time.
    Average settlement fee 30,000$
  • 15% of the U.S population have difficulties accessing and engaging websites.
  • Worldwide, People with disabilities(PWD) hold over $8 Trillion in annual disposable income
    (2016 study – “Return on disability”).
  • 30% of veterans have disabilities.


Since the onset of COVID-19, the world has seen technical opportunities like never before including distance healthcare, learning, and online service providers. We’ve noted that our clients are requiring fewer in-person services. This trend has prompted us to change how we will offer our services in the summer of 2021. Beginning in June, OurWebmaster will not maintain an office in Gold Beach Oregon but will be serving our customers primarily by telephone, email, video conferencing, and SMS/Text. We will take the opportunity to visit clients in other parts of the country – Colorado, South Dakota, Louisiana, Texas, Washington, Arizona, and beyond. During this time, we encourage you to reach out with ANY online needs. We will be extending our technical portfolio during this time and hope to expand our offerings even more.


Recurring billing/payments available:  For those of you who are subscribed to the CMS Update Service, we are pleased to offer a recurring billing/payment service.  Reach out if you’d like us to charge your credit card automatically for your subscription each month. 

New Remittance Address:  OurWebmaster is pleased to accept credit card payments.  For those who prefer to mail a check, please note our new remittance address:  OurWebmaster, 818 SW 3rd Ave #221-18940, Portland OR 97204-2405

Payment Processing:  Check payments are gladly accepted at our new remittance address and are processed electronically via ACH.  You will see OURWEBMASTER SALE appearing on your bank statement.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR WEBSITE AND ONLINE MARKETING – check our FaceBook page for great industry articles…

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